Skylar Ford (Sean Johnson) is a young man who aspires to be a writer, but must balance following his dreams with helping his mother, Tammy (Alethea Bailey) take care of his little sister, Hannah (Adriana Ford), who suffers from sickle cell anemia. Despite his lack of time, Skylar manages to complete his first story and attempts to get it published by a local publishing house, but finds that rejection is harder to take than he anticipated. As Hannah's birthday rapidly approaches, her estranged biological father, Leroy (Beny Schwarzt), comes home unannounced after several years, creating serious tension within the family. When Skylar meets Hannah's doctor, Julia (Trenise Gray), their desire for Hannah's well being creates a spark that brings Julia closer to the family. After a local publisher gives Skylar hope, he discovers that balancing his work, his family, and his dream is more difficult than he could have ever imagined. While Skylar attempts to hold things together, Hannah suddenly collapses at her birthday party, and the whole family is thrown into an emotional spiral which tests Skylar's limits, his faith, and makes the dreams he desperately pursues feel more out of reach than ever.